Our online store collects only those personal data that are absolutely necessary for the safe execution of our customers’ orders and that they themselves voluntarily disclose to us, and are mainly used for shipping and invoicing purposes.

The store does not disclose any personal data of customers or users of its website to any third party.

Users can register on our page, or make purchases as guests, without saving their information on the page. By signing up voluntarily, they have the facility to reuse their details themselves in subsequent purchases. Our online store allows you to change your Personal Secret Security Code (password) as often as you wish and we would recommend that you change it at regular intervals.

Your details can be deleted from our page whenever you ask us.

Telephone orders require an email address and a mobile phone number, the provision of which means your consent to the retention of your personal data by us.

Our concern is to provide you with a pleasant and productive experience on our website that also respects your privacy.

Like most websites, ours uses cookies to recognize your needs, facilitate the operation of our website and understand how our website is used. Without them it would be impossible to operate some basic services, such as order status,

the storage of items in the basket, etc. Cookies do not receive information of any document/file from the visitor’s system, they are used to facilitate the visitor in specific services.

Cookies are also used for statistical and marketing purposes, so that the areas in which our products and services are useful can be identified.

Cookies do not cause damage to computers. The files stored on them are automatically deleted each time you leave the site (more information at

The user can make settings so that he does not accept cookies either in general or on a case-by-case basis. In this case, the user may have limited access to certain services of the website.